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Sustainability for real!

Enabling sustainable societies

"Wastech har utviklet en komplett, storskala løsning for å omdanne matavfall til næringsrik jord og gjødsel."


Turnkey processing plant

Wastech develops a complete, large-scale technology solution to convert food waste into nutritious, living soil and fertilizer.

The process plant is scalable and duplicable, and we have a clear objective to establish a number of factories, both nationally and internationally, in the next few years.

The facility is delivered turnkey and contains all necessary elements; hardware and software, all tailored for the most efficient production possible and the best possible quality of the end products.


Together towards a sustainable world

We throw away more than 30% of all food produced.

The quality of the global soil is rapidly declining.

We emit large amounts of greenhouse gases and use a lot of energy.


Wastech is a counterpart to all this.


With our technology, we convert food waste into nutritious soil and fertilizer in a new and innovative way. Based on existing methodology, interspersed with a good dose of creativity and mixed well with hard work, we have developed a package solution that is both scalable and duplicable.

Har du matavfall og tenker bærekraft?

Næringslivet kan oppnå betydelige fordeler ved å samarbeide med Wastech, der bærekraft og effektiv ressursutnyttelse står i fokus. Gjennom vår innovative avfallshåndtering får bedrifter en enklere og mer miljøvennlig løsning som reduserer karbonavtrykket. Sammen skaper vi verdier for fremtiden, med en modell som forvandler avfall til ressurser lokalt og styrker virksomhetens bærekraftsprofil.


Turnkey processing plant

Wastech develops a complete, large-scale technology solution to convert food waste into nutritious, living soil and fertilizer.

The process plant is scalable and duplicable, and we have a clear objective to establish a number of factories, both nationally and internationally, in the next few years.

The facility is delivered turnkey and contains all necessary elements; hardware and software, all tailored for the most efficient production possible and the best possible quality of the end products.


Bli Wastechpartner!

Vi har utviklet en inkluderende forretningsmodell der vi skaper lokale arbeidsplasser, øker kompetanse og jobber etter bærekraftige prinsipper.


Bli med som lisenspartner!

Wastechs samarbeidsmodell gir lokale partnere en velprøvd løsning for bærekraftig avfallshåndtering. Som lisenspartner opererer du under Wastech-merket, bruker elektriske kjøretøy og omdanner organisk avfall til kompost. Du får støtte gjennom Wastechs systemer, merkevare og markedsføring, slik at du kan fokusere på lokal drift og miljøpåvirkning. Dette gir deg muligheten til å møte den økende etterspørselen etter miljøvennlige avfallsløsninger.


What´s in it for you?

Wastechs modell gir partnere en bærekraftig løsning for avfallshåndtering under et sterkt merke. Som lisenspartner bruker du elektriske kjøretøy og omdanner avfall til kompost, med støtte fra Wastechs systemer og markedsføring. Dette gjør det enkelt å fokusere på lokal drift og møte etterspørselen etter miljøvennlige løsninger.


Natural food production

A modern lifestyle requires new ways of thinking.

After years of overproduction, we have depleted the earth in many places on the planet. It is urgent to make changes.


With natural methods and a focus on maximum utilization of resources, Wastech can be an important contributor to lifting both local and global food production in the right direction.


Why Wastech?

We take sustainability seriously!


Greenhouse gas emissions

Handling waste generates a lot of dangerous greenhouse gases.

With our method, we cut these emissions by up to 97%.


Food waste

Organic waste is a wonderful resource that deserves to be reused! By recycling food waste, we solve a serious problem.

With our method, we actually use one problem to solve other problems.

Fascinating, right?



Due to many years of overproduction, the soil is both depleted and exhausted in many places in the world, often in regions where people are completely dependent on farming for survival.

With our solution, we can revitalize the earth with natural, nutritious soil and fertilizer products.


Natural elements

In Wastech, biology and gravity do most of the work.

This gives us a methodology that is less energy-demanding, and which therefore strains far less on both the operating and investment budgets.


Flexible method

Our method can be implemented small scale as well as large scale depending on requirements and location.


Quality products

Our focus is end products of the best quality that improve and provide nourishment and good microlife to the soil. This distinguishes our process from players where fertilizer is only a residual product from energy production.

Wastech is a real startup, where sustainability, innovation and circular business models form the backbone of the operation.


The company has evolved from the famous two empty hands into an exciting team of entrepreneurs, professionals, partners and investors.


Wastech's origins and head office are in Bergen, and our first processing plant is established in Øygarden.


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